Latest Ad In PTEN Magazine

This is yet another installment of our trade magazine advertisements. We began posting our trade publication ads several posts ago and found that readers were interested in seeing more of them. As mentioned in an earlier post, we have been advertising in various trade magazines for many years now, and our reach has been widespread. … Continue reading “ Latest Ad In PTEN Magazine”

Reciprocating vs Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Should you get a reciprocating air compressor or a rotary screw air compressor? This is a common question among shop owners, mechanics and the home DIY crowd. The answer depends on your needs and your budget. The more popular style of compressor is a 2 stage Reciprocating Air Compressor. They are reliable, time-tested and put … Continue reading “Reciprocating vs Rotary Screw Air Compressors”

Air Compressor Options

There are many different types of air compressors on the market these days, as well as many different manufacturers. Given the wide array of choices, your first task is to determine what type of compressor you need for your specific application. Maybe you need a gas powered compressor or electric Air Compressor ? When outfitting a typical auto shop, … Continue reading “Air Compressor Options”

What Type Of Air Compressor Should I Get?

This is one of the most common questions we get. Customers opening an auto shop, or facility of any kind that requires an air compressor often don’t have any idea on what type or size of air compressor to get. First, you need to determine if your application requires a gas powered or electric powered compressor.  … Continue reading “What Type Of Air Compressor Should I Get?”