New Robocop Movie Has ASEDeals Connection

We informed you right here in this Blog back in September of 2012 that ASE was chosen once again by the movie industry to supply products  to the set to help support their filming. In this case, we supplied a Hein Werner transmission jack to the set to aid them in servicing the vehicles that would take part in the film.

The Sony Pictures film is set to premier on February 12, 2014.  You may have already seen ads for it on TV. It stars Michael Keaton, Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman and Samuel L. Jackson. If it’s anything like the SciFi original, which was shot back in the 1980’s starring Peter Weller, it will be a great film.

You may remember we helped provide products and equipment to many major Hollywood films in the past, including –

Give us some feedback on the movie whether you like it or not. Just let us know how it is.

Robocop 2014